Eve-teasing has posed a serious threat to to the women of our society. There is hardly any girl or woman who has never been the target of eve-teasers.\
Bus-stops, auto-rickshaw stands,etc., are the favourite haunts of the eve-teasers who seem to have no other business than passing lewd remarks on women who happen to pass by them. Eve-teasing is a crime and to put an end to it, women themselves must take the initiative.But women generally ignore the eve-teasers as they fear the evil consequences which might befall them in future.
It is this baseless fear of the women-folk which gives the eve-teasers the courage to pass objectionable comments on them as they know that women are too meek and timid to confront them.
Women are human beings too and have equal rights to move freely in society like their male counterparts and if anybody happens to harm her dignity, she might fight against them.
Women should shed their fear and confront the eve-teasers boldly.This is the only way to teach a lesson to such culprits so that they will not dare to tease another woman in future and think a thousand times before passing lewd remarks on women.
Yours etc.,
Monalisa Biswas,
Odalbakra, Guwahati