Spoil the rodDue to maladministration, accidents and deaths have become a regular feature in schools. Each time an accident occurs or a student dies, the school authorities leave no stone unturned to shirk responsibility. They blame either the carelessness of the student or insist that the student was physically unwell.
The school authorities might fool the public by citing hundreds of excuses to hide their guilt but it cannot be denied that Richmita Bora, a student of Class VI of a city school was slapped by her teacher the day she died.
School is a place for acquiring knowledge. To impart education, it is necessary for teachers to maintain congenial relations with their students.
Richmita’s death should serve as a lesson to all those harsh teachers who use severe punishment as a tool for maintaining so-called discipline in classrooms. .
Parents, too, must be vigilant. They must maintain a good rapport with their children. They must be aware of what happens at their child’s school, the child’s performance and the way he or she is treated by the teachers.
It is high time parents raise their voices against corporal punishment in schools. And as for teachers who are still using rods as a disciplining weapon, I would like to advise them to spoil the rod and spare the child.
Monalisa Biswas,